• If the hat fits

  • Words to live by

    “The most important thing to do in your life is to not interfere with somebody else’s life.”

    – Frank Zappa
  • Old Apple

  • Seems about right

    “I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals”

    – Winston Churchill
  • Coffee ‘n stuff

  • Coffee ‘n stuff

  • Same ol’ same ol’ snake oil

    Until science comes up with a solution, we will keep getting older. And with age comes health issues—the inevitable consequence of enzymes drying up, tendons tightening, and muscles loosening.

    Like many people my age, I’m interested in ‘wellness’ as a concept. I mean, I can hit old age in the best possible shape; it will make my twilight years a lot more pleasant.

    Lately, I’ve read a number of articles in reputable places (too reputable to mention or … more

  • More tempting than Cinnabon

    During the past week, I binge watched two series of Everest: Beyond the limit and listened to the audiobook of ‘Into thin air’ by John Krakauer.

    I highly recommended both, even if you have no interest in climbing mountains or stupid stuff like that. They are phenomenal studies in human psychology, ego, and humility in the face of failure.

    I don’t have aspirations of climbing Everest. At least not in this lifetime.

    I am, however, planning on going … more

  • Sunset

  • Kidney beans

    A few years ago, I developed a kidney stone. It started — or at least the pain started — while I was at the gym. I felt a niggling pain in my back like I’d tweeted a muscle. So, rather than risk making it worse, I packed up and left the gym.

    By the time I got home, I was in agony. I’d never felt pain like it.

    Fortunately, the stone passed painlessly the following day. But, I was left … more